Manufacturer of Fruit Pulp for Ice Cream Shops

Manufacturer of Fruit Pulp for Ice Cream Shops

To run an ice cream shop certainly makes you look for a manufacturer of fruit pulp for ice cream shops, right?

But do you know where to find a serious and committed company that makes these products for your industry?

Villa Puree offers the fruit puree, that are made from the raw material with total quality and even tracks all the production process closely so that nothing is out of planning, making the result satisfying to all the customers.

Is there any difference between
Fruit Pulp and Fruit Puree?

When looking for a fruit puree, many people may find the work pulp, as the product is known in the market. However, it is important to make clear that there is a small difference between the fruit pulp and puree.

It is classified as fruit puree, a product of whole fruit in room temperature. The pulp is known as a concentrated and frozen product.

What is the production time of the <br /><strong>fruit pulp for Ice Cream Shops?</strong> Manufacturer of Fruit Pulp for Ice Cream Shops

What is the production time of the
fruit pulp for Ice Cream Shops?

As a manufacturer of fruit pulp for ice cream shops, Villa Puree works according to the seasonality of each type of fruit.

It means that every order must be according to the period of the year and season of each type.

However, it does not mean that there will be lack of fruits for orders, as their selection is based on the rural calendar, so that there is processing during the whole year, and the planning does not leave the company without the raw material for production of the puree.

Another point in relation to time of production of the pulp of fruit for ice cream shops is that the expiration date of the fruit purees is one year. It means that even in the period where there is no harvest of a fruit, the company may have the puree in stock, meeting all the needs of the customer.

How is the price of this product calculated?

The price of the fruit pulp for industrial kitchens may vary according to the customer’s need. But, in general, the cost of the raw material and the whole process the fruit goes through until it is finished, as a puree, to be distributed and delivered to the customer.

Therefore, there is a price evaluation from the beginning, since when the raw material is bought to start the production, as there is also a variation of the market price.

How is the production of
fruit pulp?

The production of the fruit pulp for ice cream shops starts from the selection of the fruits through a classifier that separates the best to be used, responsible to separate the best that can be used.

The fruits used for production are called waste fruits, those that are not sold to the customer’s table, that do not follow some aesthetic features or even size to go to the shelves as we use to buy.

However, it is important to make clear that these fruits are ok for consumption and healthy, then there is a reuse, strengthening the commitment of Villa Puree with the sustainability and the warrant of safety with the distributed products.

During the process, no sugar or any type of preservative is added to increase the quality or time of conservation of the pulp.

This acidification process may happen when there is a specific request of any customer. So that this addition is made with safety, the company has two specific tanks in the production line to make some acidification.

The company tracks the producers and offers technical service for the plantation places, with training for more than 100 producers that are Villa Puree’s partners.

Then, the customer has more warrant of safety, sustainability, and quality when buying the products from a manufacturer of fruit pulp for ice cream shops.


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Where to find Manufacturer of <br /><strong>Fruit Pulp for Ice Cream shops?</strong>

Where to find Manufacturer of
Fruit Pulp for Ice Cream shops?

Villa Puree services the south of Minas, the whole state of Sao Paulo and Parana.

We are a company that works distributing its products to other companies, initially of small and medium size, and with little human interference during the production of the fruit puree, always using cutting edge technology and innovation.

If you have a dairy industry and need fruit pulp for your business, get to know our products.

Get in touch with us, fill in the form below or contact us on WhatsApp, one of our specialists will be available to help you.

Do not wait. Manufacturer of fruit pulp for grocery stores is Villa Puree.

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